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Summary Information
Jurisdictions in Virginia:
Appalachian School of Law (Grundy, VA)
Arlington County, VA
Bridgewater College (Bridgewater, VA)
City of Falls Church, VA
City of Richmond, VA
City of Roanoke, VA
Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia
Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonburg, VA)
Emory & Henry College (Emory, VA)
Fairfax County, VA
Ferrum College (Ferrum, VA)
Hampton University (Hampton, VA)
Lynchburg College (Lynchburg, VA)
Mary Baldwin College (Staunton, VA)
Marymount University (Arlington, VA)
Roanoke College (Salem, VA)
Shenandoah University (Winchester, VA)
Town of Blacksburg, VA
Washington and Lee University (Lexington, VA)