City and County of San Francisco, CA Solar Roadmap
Roadmap Goals and Progress
The Solar Roadmap team has worked in close coordination with the City/County to develop a customized, interactive solar roadmap containing guidance on how to transform the local solar market. Each recommendation in the roadmap is supported with relevant reports, case studies, examples, and templates to support local and regional implementation efforts.
These roadmap goals are derived from attributes of successful solar communities nationwide, along with input from industry experts. Each goal represents a step toward making solar easier and more cost effective for all residents within the community. Your specific roadmap has been customized using the attributes that are relevant at the city-level in the local solar market.
Expand each focus area below to show its related goals, and click the 'Take Action' button to access the relevant resources designed to help you achieve these goals.
Permitting Process |
1 of 14 Goals In Progress 10 of 14 Goals Achieved |
[P1] Use a Standard Permit Application Form Specific to PV Systems(0)
[P1-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Use Standard Permit Application Materials Specific to PV Systems(0)
[P1-NY] Adopt the NY State Unified Solar Permit(0)
[P2] Make Permit Application Form Available Online(0)
Solar permit application available online
City currently at best practice- solar PV permit application form available online at
[P2-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Make Permit Application Form Available Online(0)
[P3] Allow Electronic Submittal of Application Form(0)
In person submittal only
Electronic submittal made available for systems under 4kW
City currently at best practice. Find submittal information at:
[P3-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Allow Electronic Submittal of Application Form(0)
[P4] Require only 1 Permit Application Submittal(0)
Single electrical permit application submittal for standard roof-mounted systems, no other reqs
City currently at best practice.
[P5] Post Permit and Inspection Process Information and Fee Schedules Online(0)
Permitting process memo is available online
SFE solar permitting guide added to existing online content
City currently at best practice- comprehensive process information available at
[P5-CA] Post Permit and Inspection Process Information and Fee Schedule Online(0)
Permitting process memo is available online
City currently at best practice- comprehensive process information available at
[P6] Streamline Permit Processing Time and Allow Expedited Process for Qualifying Projects(0)
Over-the-counter for residential; within 2-4 days for commercial
City currently at best practice.
[P6-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Streamline Permit Processing Time and Allow Expedited Process for Qualifying Projects(0)
[P7] Base Residential Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(0)
[P7 old] Tracking of Permit Process Time(0)
Flat fee of $180 for systems under 10kW
[P7-CA] Base Residential Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(0)
[P8] Base Commercial Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(0)
Flat fee of $180 for systems <10kW, plus $100 for each additional 10kW
City currently at best practice.
[P8 old] OTC Process for Qualifying PV Projects(0)
[P8-CA] Base Commercial Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(0)
Flat fee of $180 for systems <10kW, plus $100 for each additional 10kW
City currently at best practice.
[P9] Minimize Inspection Turnaround Time(0)
Inspections typically scheduled 1-2 business days in advance.
City at currently best practice.
[P9 old] Permit Fee Information is Online(0)
[P9-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Minimize Inspection Turnaround Time(0)
[P10] Offer Convenient Inspection Scheduling(0)
Inspector offers 4 hour appointment window.
Provide an appointment window of 2 hours or less if possible. Provide real time updates prior to arrival so contractor is aware and prepared.
[P10-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Offer Convenient Inspection Scheduling(0)
[P11] Require only 1 Inspection Visit(0)
[P11-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Require only 1 Inspection Visit(0)
[P12] Adopt an Inspection Checklist(0)
Brief description provided, but no detailed list
Utilize a standard inspection checklist for PV systems. The checklist serves as a guide for inspectors and installers containing points of emphasis and common issues.
[P12 old] Inspection Requirements are Online(0)
Inspection process and requirements are available online.
City currently at market best practice!
[P12-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Adopt an Inspection Checklist(0)
[P13] Allow a Structural Exemption for Qualifying Systems(0)
For qualifying residential systems meeting certain criteria, allow an exemption from structural analysis or structural PE stamp requirements.
[P13-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Allow a Structural Exemption for Qualifying Systems(0)
[P14] Understand New Solar-Specific Building, Electrical, and Fire Codes(0)
City uses 2010 CA Building and Electric Codes, officials are knowledgeable on current standards
City currently at best practice.
[P14-CA] Understand New California Solar-Specific Building, Electrical, and Fire Codes (Title 24)(0)
Awareness of recent solar updates in 2013 California Codes
City currently at best practice.
[P15-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Adopt An Expedited Solar Permitting Ordinance(0)
[P20 old] Fire Department Design Guidelines(0)
Solar friendly guidelines adopted, similar to CA Office of State Fire Marshall guidelines.
City currently at market best practice!
[P21 old] Planning Department Design Guidelines(0)
[P22 old] Give permits away for free(0)
[PR 1-A] Develop Criteria for Expedited Process(0)
[PR 1-B] Create a Permit Checklist(0)
[PR 1-C] Provide a Central Information Source(0)
[PR 2-A] Fixed Fees for Residential Permits(0)
[PR 2-B] Calculator for Commercial Permits(0)
[PR 3-A] Pre-qualify Installers(0)
[PR 3-B] Pre-qualify Electrical Plans(0)
Planning & Zoning |
1 of 5 Goals Achieved |
[Z1] Pursue Protection for Solar Rights and Access(0)
State laws provide limited protection for solar rights and solar access, but no local laws
Consider strengthening state protection by creating local ordinances which would protect property owners' right to install solar and ensure their property has unobstructed access to direct sunlight.
[Z1-CA] Develop a Local Ordinance that Protects Solar Rights and Access(0)
State laws provide limited protection for solar rights and solar access, but no local ordinances
Create local ordinances which would protect property owners' right to install solar and ensure their property has unobstructed access to direct sunlight.
[Z2] Promote Solar Ready Construction via Ordinances or Building Codes(0)
Statewide solar ready requirements for new construction exist (CA Title 24)
Explore creation of municipal ordinances which would require new homes and buildings to be built solar-ready.
[Z2 old] Solar Rights Law Enforcement(0)
[Z2-CA] Develop a Local Ordinance that requires Solar Ready Construction(0)
No local ordinance for solar ready construction
Explore creation of municipal ordinances which require all new homes and buildings to be built solar-ready, which go beyond California's "solar zones" mandate in the 2013 Energy Code (Section 110.10). Starting July 1, 2014, the building codes will require certain new construction to pre-wire for solar.
[Z3] Require Solar on New Construction(0)
Explore implementing solar mandates for new construction for all buildings or a segment of the new building stock
[Z3 old] Solar Easements Law(0)
Solar Easement and Solar Shade Control Act ensure neighbors may voluntarily sign solar easements
City currently at market best practice!
[Z4] Incorporate Solar Priorities into Comprehensive or Energy Action Plans(0)
Increased solar development is a component of City's goal to achieve 100% renewable energy supply.
City currently at best practice.
[Z4-CA] Incorporate Solar Priorities into Comprehensive, Energy or Climate Action Plans(0)
Increased solar development is a component of City's goal to achieve 100% renewable energy supply.
City currently at best practice.
[Z5] Update Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations(0)
No local standards for solar zoning and review
Explore creation of municipal ordinances which require all new homes and buildings to be built solar-ready, which go beyond California's "solar zones" mandate in the 2013 Energy Code (Section 110.10). Starting July 1, 2014, the building codes will require certain new construction to pre-wire for solar.
[Z5-CA] Update Local Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations(0)
No local standards for solar zoning and review
Restrictive covenants must be appropriately minimized in order to maximize local opportunities to harness and benefit from solar energy.
[Z6] Update Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations - Historic and Viewshed Areas(0)
No local solar friendly zoning ordinances and regulations
Ensure the zoning codes and ordinances that govern solar installations in aesthetically sensitive areas do not adversely affect property owners' ability to install solar. Allow staff members to review and approve applications when possible rather than requiring committee or planning commission review. CA Solar Rights Act requires that local governments use an administrative, non-discretionary review process for on-site solar energy systems that do not place restrictions on visual or aesthetic concerns.
[Z6-CA] Update Local Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations - Historic and Viewshed Areas(0)
No local solar zoning ordinances and regulations for historic and viewshed areas
Ensure the zoning codes and ordinances that govern solar installations in aesthetically sensitive areas do not adversely affect property owners' ability to install solar. Allow staff members to review and approve applications when possible rather than requiring committee or planning commission review. CA Solar Rights Act requires that local governments use an administrative, non-discretionary review process for on-site solar energy systems that do not place restrictions on visual or aesthetic concerns.
[Z7] Limit Impact of Restrictive Private Covenants(0)
[Z7-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Limit Impact of Restrictive Private Covenants(0)
[Z8-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Adopt administrative ordinance to streamline permitting process(0)
[PL 1-A] Address Solar in the Zoning Code and Adopt a Solar Ordinance(0)
[PL 2-A] Adopt a Solar Access Ordinance(0)
[PL 2-B] Engage Homeowners Associations(0)
[PL 3-A] Develop Solar Ready Guidelines(0)
[PL 3-B] Adopt a Solar Ready Ordinance(0)
Financing Options |
1 of 3 Goals In Progress 3 of 3 Goals Achieved |
[F1] Support Statewide Efforts to Allow Third-Party Solar Financing, Including Solar PPAs and Leases(0)
[F2] Explore Innovative Financing Programs For Utility Customers, Including Solar Loans or Roof Leases(0)
[F3] Offer On-Bill Solar Repayment Option to Utility Customers(0)
[F4] Support Statewide Efforts to Allow Community Shared Solar Projects(0)
[F4a] Explore Implementation of Community Shared Solar Program For Utility Customers(0)
[F5] Support Statewide Efforts to Allow PACE Financing(0)
[F5a] Explore Implementation of Local PACE Financing Pilot Program (0)
GreenFinanceSF offers PACE financing for commercial entities.
City currently at best practice. Consider expanding PACE financing to residential entities.
[F6] Encourage Local Financial Stakeholders to Establish New Solar Loan Programs(0)
Residential and commercial solar loan programs available to San Franciscans not posted online
SF Environment has a list of solar financing options available on website.
City currently at best practice. See solar loan providers at
[F7] Promote Availability of Existing Solar Finance Options and Evaluation Tools(0)
City offers an array on online tools and resources, including the SF Energy Map
City currently at best practice. See the SF Energy Map at as well as SF Environment's resources for solar financing at
[F8-CA] Join Regional Finance Working Group(0)
[F 1-A] Distribute Soft Cost Survey(0)
[FL 2-A] Provide Resources and Host a Workshop for Lending Institutions(0)
[F 3-A] Launch a Solarize Campaign(0)
[F 3-B] Partner with Local Lenders(0)
Solar Market Development |
5 of 5 Goals Achieved |
[M1] Support Aggregate Procurement Program for Residential Sector(0)
City implementing residential group purchase program for City employees using SunShares model.
City at best practice.
[M2] Support Aggregate Procurement Program for Commercial Sector(0)
Solar@Work commercial aggregation program implemented in 2011
City currently at best practice.
[M3] Explore Implementation of Collaborative Procurement Program for Municipal Facilities and Schools(0)
Solar@School private school aggregation program implemented in 2011. No municipal programs to date.
City currently at best practice! To expand success, consider aggregating municipal projects in the City and/or joining a regional municipal aggregation program with other Bay Area jurisdictions.
[M4 old] School Aggregation Program(0)
Solar@School private school aggregation program implemented in 2011
City currently at market best practice!
[M5] Make Solar Educational Resources Available to Customers(0)
[M6] Explore Installing Solar at Municipal Facilities, Including Landfill and Water Treatment Facilities(0)
No known solar development at Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Southeast Wastewater Trea
Establish a working group to identify solar feasibility at municipal landfill and water treatment sites.
[M6a] Survey Brownfield Sites for Solar Development Opportunities(0)
No solar development on City brownfields
Consider organizing working group to review options for solar development on brownfields within City limits.
[M7] Publicize Solar Workforce Development Resources and Industry Training Tools(0)
City offers green workforce development training program and free solar courses are offered by PG&E
City currently at best practice- SF Environment provides green job resources at
[M8] Provide Solar Educational Resources to Constituents(0)
City has various platforms for engaging the public to build awareness about the benefits of solar
City currently at best practice- see SF Environment's solar page at
[M9] Publicize Innovative Solar Market Development Tools(0)
Limited awareness of these tools locally.
Help promote the availability of innovative market development tools for the residential, commercial, and municipal solar markets through existing networks
[M10] Explore Joining Clean Energy Action and Recognition Programs(0)
Not participating in any such programs currently
Establish a working group to explore options for setting clean energy goals for the community, including setting renewable energy development goals in long term planning documents or joining programs designed to encourage, support, and provide recognition for clean energy action.